Hanover Park Recycling Event with Illinois Recovery Group
The Environmental Committee works to provide residents of the Village with information and opportunities relating to environmentally-friendly practices. You may recycle household batteries, and compact fluorescent light bulbs year-round at Public Works on weekdays from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm.
Our Recycling Event will be held at the Hanover Park Metra Station on September 21, 2019 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Recyclable Items:
Cell phones and ink-jet cartridges / Eyeglasses, hearing aids, and keys / American flags / CFL and fluorescent bulbs / Household batteries / Large lead-acid batteries (automobile, sump pump, SLA, ad marine batteries only) / Bicycles, crutches, walkers, canes, and wheelchairs in working, usable condition (will be donated to people living in poverty) / Motor oil and antifreeze / Clean usable child and adult clothing / Fire extinguishers and scrap metal / Personal documents for shredding (service is free; No businesses. No hard covers, binders, binder clips, or books. Staples and paperclips OK) / Records / Brita, PUR Filters.
Unacceptable Items:
Household electronics / Paint / Large appliances (such as refrigerators and ovens) / Oil filters / Water heaters / Air conditioners / Garbage disposals / Propane tank, compressed air tanks / Ammunition / Smoke detectors / Radioactive materials / Explosives / Hazardous waste / Chemicals / Needles / Syringes / Controlled substances / Business waste of any kind / Regular garbage.
Other Illinois Recovery Group News & Events
Elk Grove Village Paint & Motor Oil Recycling Event with Illinois Recovery Group
Elk Grove Village is hosting a Paint & Motor Oil Recycling Event on June 8, 2019 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM at the James Paul Petri Public Works Facility. This event is limited to Elk Grove residents. IDs will be checked and business items will not be accepted.